A trivia website game based on origin of objects and concepts from around the world.
- 0
create the framework for the webpage
#3 opened by mmortar - 1
Create Score Counter
#8 opened by mmortar - 1
increment score for every correct response
#9 opened by mmortar - 0
- 0
- 1
Integrate Api with web app
#16 opened by wtbrins - 0
Retrieve questions from the API
#6 opened by petalbot - 0
Restart game
#5 opened by petalbot - 0
Repeat answer choices
#21 opened by mmortar - 0
repeat questions
#22 opened by mmortar - 0
- 0
- 0
Create the API
#2 opened by wtbrins - 1
Create buttons to submit answer
#10 opened by petalbot - 0
Find images and links for each object
#11 opened by petalbot - 0