DeepSars - XR Multilabel Classification

This project aims to provide a number of utilities to address multilabel classification problems related to chest X-ray images. This project is currently under construction and is subject to multiple changes.

Getting Started

Pull the DeepSars - XR Multilabel Classification code repository and follow the instructions below to get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


All the packages are listed in requirements-pip.txt. You can install all of them by executing the next line in the terminal:

pip install -r requirements-pip.txt


Preparing datasets for training

The first thing to be done is the contruction of *.tfrecords files to store the datasets that will be used for training, validation and testing of the models built. These files can be stored somewhere of the user's preference and the path to these must be referenced in In future versions of this project it is planned to make available a tool to easily build these datasets.


Once the datasets are constructed, a variety of functions can be executed that have as their purpose the training of neural networks for the classification of multi-label problems and the evaluation of these networks through many tasks and metrics. The general procedure to start an execution is as follows:

  1. Edit to specificy the dataset and process configuration by commenting/uncommenting/editing specific lines
  2. Run
  3. The results are written into a newly created subdirectory under config.result_dir

The processes available for execution are the following:

Results folder structure

Depending on the process being executed, a new subdirectory will be created within results with an unique identifier (uid) for the experiment and a description given by the user, e.g. uid-network-dataset. The structure for each subdirectory looks something like

 ┗ 📂results
   ┗ 📂uid-network-dataset
      ┣ 📜log.txt
      ┣ 📜config.txt
      ┣ 📜best_auc_model.h5
      ┣ 📜best_loss_model.h5
      ┣ 📜metrics_on_training.png
      ┣ 📜evaluation_log.txt
      ┗ 📜metrics_on_evaluation.pkl

To Do list

  • Enhance current behaviour of existing features:
    • Make so that every function in creates a in the experiment subfolder with information about the training
    • Modify the model save in train_single_network to match the DeepSars naming convention
    • Refactor all the functions in to work as follows:
      • A training function ALWAYS creates a new result subdirectory.
      • In the beginning of each training process, the user might choose between building the model from scratch and load it with the imagenet or other pretrained Model weights or load an already built model
    • Work on utils.HistoryPlotter to make it plot the metrics when there's no validation data
  • Add the following functions to
    • train_single_network: trains a default tf.keras.applications network using a test and validation record
    • train_ensemble_network: trains $N$ default tf.keras.applications networks using either a standard Average layer or a custom WeightedAverage layer
  • Add the following functions to
    • evaluate_single_network: evaluates a single model using a test set
    • evaluate_late_fusion_ensemble: takes two trained models or a late fusion ensemble to evaluate using a test set