Develop a simple C/S game with using P/S method. Server side will process the clients next position by using the current status. It will use a physics lib to implement objects behaviors and send updates to who subscribes for the updates.
Sangraama WebSite
You can find more details about us here.
Setup Sangraama with Eclipse
Here you can find [how to setup new eclipse project with Sangraama source] ( For more details, refer to our documentation.
Game Story Board
Sangraama MMOG framework can use to develop Massively Multiplayer Online Games. Sangraama Developers are developing it currently based on following Story Board. This will consdier as a example of how to use Sangraama MMOG framework and will use for performance testing.
Sangraama Community
This project is a final year project of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanaka. Project Members:
- Gihan Karunarathne
- Denuwanthi De Silva
- Dileepa Rajaguru
- Amila Dissanayake