
First README on my GitHub profile


ForTheBadge built-by-developers

My name is Sabin Constantin Lungu, I am originally from Romania, I moved to the United Kingdom when I was 3 years old. I am studying a Master's in Software Engineering, my goal is to develop front-end and back-end Web Applications (Full-stack) using HTML, CSS & JavaScript as the main front-end stack and NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB & Mongoose as the back-end server-side stack.

I am also looking to contribute to open-source projects to improve my skills and also work on interesting projects that will enhance my skills listed in the Skills section.

I also develop Android mobile applications using Java as an Object-Oriented Programming Language (OOP)


  • Programming Languages - Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org

  • Web Languages - Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org

  • Libraries/Frameworks - Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org

  • Databases - Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org

  • Tools - Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org

  • Software Engineering - Full Software Development Life Cycle (Waterfall Method)

  • Agile Methodologies - SCRUM

  • Software Design - UML Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Flowcharts


  • 🔭 I’m currently working on: Leaf - An electric car rental Web Application that encourages people to stop driving their petrol and diesel cars that harm the environment and to sign up for a subscription plan that allows people to rent electric cars of their choice for a cheap price per month. Take a look at my project in my repositories if you are interested more about it.

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning: MERN Stack, AngularJS to develop Full-Stack web applications

  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: Open-source projects.

  • 💬 Ask me about: Things you would like to know about me, ask me questions about my Software Engineering projects and other things that interests you or what you would like to find out more.

  • 📫 How to reach me: You can find me on LinkedIn and Facebook.

  • ⚡ Fun fact: I love working out at the gym in my free time, I also love to read Software Engineering books and to study


Sabin Lungu's github stats

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