Hi, I'm Sani

Working as a Software Engineer at Brain Station 23

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This is Sani Ahmed and I'm a full stack web developer, Javascript lover and explorer. With my 2+ years of working career, I learned a lot of modern webs developing tools and frameworks like Nodejs, Reactjs, Vuejs, Expressjs, Nextjs, Graphql, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, redux, webpack, grunt, sass etc.

I've also experience in cloud service of Amazon (Aws)

My stacks

  • Base - Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org

  • Frontend - Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org

  • Backend - Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org

  • Databases - Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org

  • Tools - Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org Plugin on redmine.org

  • Cloud - Plugin on redmine.org

Sani Ahmed's Dev Card