Client not paid ? Set a timer to kill css/js or decrease opacity over time with a js script, available remotely !
- alimoezzi
- Ankhakim@AfronautaTech
- Avalome
- bleriotnoguiaDouala,Cameroun
- bychrismeDouala, Cameroon
- CheckYourScreenDelhi, India
- Choirrulloh
- coingreed
- dassiorleandoSherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
- fazlerabbi37
- HofferLeonharddouala
- IngridPuppet
- jonike
- kamicodaxeBOGITAL
- kevnoutsawo
- kitokiindonesia
- Madrid276
- matronatorBlueGhost
- NemesisX1@thenemlab
- NickHatBoeckerGermany
- Olamae
- OldJoy11
- PatrissolJunsPhenix
- PureChaos001
- reyesvicenteFreelance Full StackDeveloper
- robertheadleySioux Falls, SD
- rostand2017Douala, Cameroun
- SANGED@sublimetextpackages
- Sanix-Darkerlocalhost
- savagejay94
- selomoscar2
- senegalensisDakar, Senegal
- sh3raf@noctuastudio
- SherlockHolmes2045@EjaraApp
- sidikfahaEverest Consulting
- simo97@Workbud-Technologies