
CLI for zeal (offline documentation scrapper for zealvim)

Primary LanguagePython


A small script to show Zeal (https://zealdocs.org/) pages in terminal -- in the Lynx web browser.


  • python3 with argparse, xdg==5.1.1, sqlite3, pathlib and BeautifulSoup (bs4)
  • Zeal (install the desired documentation sets from its GUI)
  • Lynx web browser


  • Make it executable chmod +x ./zeal-cli
  • Copy the script to the /usr/local/bin/
  • Maybe add an alias as alias zeal-cli="python3.10 zeal-cli" if you want it to be run by a specific version of python
  • To show a list of all available pages in a docset: zeal-cli DOCSET_NAME
  • To show a particular page in a docset: zeal-cli DOCSET_NAME PAGE

See the documentation in the zeal-cli file for more.

Usage with FZF from the shell

If you want to fuzzy search for documentation from shell, you can use FZF (https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/) with zeal-cli in a manner similar to this (though you should probably write a proper function that handles cancelling FZF):

zeal-cli cpp | fzf --height=50% --preview='zeal-cli --lynx-dump=true cpp {}' | xargs -d '\n' zeal-cli cpp


Copy zeal-cli somewhere in your $PATH and chmod +x it.


When used in Neovim + Telescope:



GPL 2 or later