
Conducted data analysis using statistical tools and complex visualizations; trained logistic regression, k-nn, kernelized svm, and random forest models; performed hyperparameter tuning and error analysis. Tech: Python (Seaborn, Matplotlib, Pandas, Scikit-Learn)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Project Type: Exploratory Data Analysis


  • Understand the relationship between the quality of red wine and its chemical properties
  • Answer the following research questions:
    • What is the difference between low-quality and high-quality red wine in mean acidity, which include fixed acidity, volatile acidity, citric acid, and pH?
    • Does alcohol have a positive correlation with red wine quality?
    • What is the proportion of high-quality red wines whose alcohol concentration is larger than the average? What is the proportion of low-quality red wines whose alcohol concentration is lower than the average?


  • Project_1/Project_1_solution.ipynb- the project report and a code written in Python.


Project Type: Classification problem


  • Construct a classification task that will predict the quality of red wine based on its chemical properties.

Machine Learning tools

  • Selected models (Logistic Regression, K-NN, Kernelized SVM, Random Forest);
  • Evaluation Metric (Accuracy, F1, Precision, Recall);
  • Hyperparameter tuning;
  • Checking for overfitting;
  • Error Analysis (ROC curves, Confusion Matrix, Feature Importance).


  • Project_2/Project_2_solution.ipynb- the project report and a code written in Python.