
Imagine that you are the librarian of OOP University, and you need a tool to record what books are in the library and who borrows them. And all of this have been built in a beautiful and well-organized way!

Primary LanguageRuby

School Library App

Imagine that you are the librarian of OOP University, and you need a tool to record what books are in the library and who borrows them. And all of this have been built in a beautiful and well-organized way!

Built With

  • Ruby

Download it as a ZIP file


Clone it in your local machine using GIT

to get a local copy , clone the repository using git clone (git@github.com:Sanja969/School-Library-App.git)

After you clone it run the following commands

  • cd School-Library-App
  • Open irb terminal
  • Run load 'main.rb' to execute the code


👤 Sanja Mandic

I am an aspiring web developer from Serbia.


  • This is My GitHub: GitHub followers
  • This is My Linkedin: Linkedin Badge 
  • This is My Twitter: Twitter Badge 

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.