
Created a chatbot that acts as virtual healthcare assistant to patients with mental health problems.

Achelois - A Healthcare Chatbot

Achelois which means “the Greek moon goddess who washes away pain” - has been built using Dialogflow to understand the mental health of a patient and have a conversation with them by understanding their problems, suggesting remedies and trying to make them happy. The simple website with Achelois embedded in it can be found at https://nlp-spring18-ui.herokuapp.com/

The course of the project involved -

  1. Learning of new state-of-the-art technologies, insights into the actual understanding of chatbots.
  2. Exploratory analysis of various NLP techniques.
  3. Understanding the richness and power of NLP tools that are latest in the field.

The project poster as well as the report are uploaded here.



  1. Download the ZIP file.
  2. Import it in your DialogFlow account on Google.
  3. Explore and understand the flow using the entities and intents


Use the link https://nlp-spring18-ui.herokuapp.com/ and play around with the Chatbot.

Refer the Project report to understand the Decision tree of the chatbot before experimenting with the Chatbot.

Built With

  • [DialogFlow] - The chatbot framework by Google


  • Sanjana Rajagopala
  • Vinutha Kamat
  • Neha Majety
  • Akshay Aravind


  • Stack Overflow
  • DialogFlow Documentation
  • Professor Lu Xio, Syracuse University.