WP Theme Mini Docs

Generating Theme Template

Generate theme from underscores.me.

header.php - Include website header here.

Create assets folder and paste all assets there.

bloginfo( 'stylesheet_directory' );

Add stylesheet directory to complete assets url

footer.php - Include website footer here

sidebar.php - Add sidebar here

from page.php save it as page-home.php

Inside page-home.php add this

<?php /* Template Name: Home Page */ ?>

Add Home Page content inside page-home.php

Goto Admin Dashboard, and goto pages, create a page with Home Page Template

Essential Variables

bloginfo( 'name' ) - Shows Website Name

bloginfo( 'description' ) - Shows Website Description

Creating Custom Fields

Inside Screen Options select Custom Fields

Inside Custom Fields add whatever you want

get Custom Fields data using

get_post_meta(post_id, variable, true)

Advanced Custom Fields

Install Plugin

Add Variables inside ADV tab

Get data using


Custom Post Type UI

Install Plugin

Create a custom post type

and add variables using Advanced Custom Fields

$args = array(
    'post_type' => 'lirik_melayu',
    'posts_per_page'=> -1,   // set the limit post to UNLIMITED (-1 is unlimited)
    'orderby'  => array( 
            'ID' => 'DESC' ,
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    echo get_the_title()."<br />";

Edit Blog Template

content.php - It contains the blog template

content-single.php - It contain single page blog template