Chess (and variants) neural network (NN) and Efficiently Updatable Neural Network (NNUE) training program. This program takes labelled epd positions and trains a neural network to predict the outcome and/or move choice for a position.
usage: [-h] [--epd EPD] [--dir DIR] [--id ID]
[--global-steps GLOBAL_STEPS] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
[--learning-rate LR] [--validation-split VALD_SPLIT]
[--cores CORES] [--gpus GPUS] [--gzip] [--net NET]
[--rsav RSAV] [--rsavo RSAVO] [--rand] [--opt OPT]
[--policy-channels POL_CHANNELS] [--policy-weight POL_W]
[--value-weight VAL_W] [--score-weight SCORE_W]
[--policy-gradient POL_GRAD] [--no-auxinp]
[--channels CHANNELS] [--boardx BOARDX] [--boardy BOARDY]
[--frac-z FRAC_Z] [--frac-pi FRAC_PI] [--piece-map PCMAP]
[--mixed] [--head-type HEAD_TYPE] [--max-steps MAX_STEPS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--epd EPD, -e EPD Path to labeled EPD file for training
--dir DIR Path to network files
--id ID, -i ID ID of neural networks to load.
--global-steps GLOBAL_STEPS
Global number of steps trained so far.
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE, -b BATCH_SIZE
Training batch size.
--learning-rate LR, -l LR
Training learning rate.
--validation-split VALD_SPLIT
Fraction of sample to use for validation.
--cores CORES Number of cores to use.
--gpus GPUS Number of gpus to use.
--gzip, -z Process zipped file.
--net NET Net to train from
--rsav RSAV Save graph every RSAV steps.
--rsavo RSAVO Save optimization state every RSAVO steps.
--rand Generate random network.
--opt OPT Optimizer 0=SGD 1=Adam.
--policy-channels POL_CHANNELS
Number of policy channels
--policy-weight POL_W
Policy loss weight.
--value-weight VAL_W Value loss weight.
--score-weight SCORE_W
Score loss weight.
--policy-gradient POL_GRAD
0=standard 1=multiply policy by score.
--no-auxinp, -u Don't use auxillary input
--channels CHANNELS, -c CHANNELS
number of input channels of network.
--boardx BOARDX, -x BOARDX
board x-dimension.
--boardy BOARDY, -y BOARDY
board y-dimension.
--frac-z FRAC_Z Fraction of ouctome(Z) relative to MCTS value(Q).
--frac-pi FRAC_PI Fraction of MCTS policy (PI) relative to one-hot
--piece-map PCMAP Map pieces to planes
--mixed Use mixed precision training
--head-type HEAD_TYPE
Heads of neural network, 0=value/policy,
1=value/score, 2=all three, 3=value only.
--max-steps MAX_STEPS
Maximum number of steps to train for.
To train 2x32 networks from a gzipped labelled epd with result and best moves using 16 cpu cores and 1 gpu
python src/ --dir nets --gzip --epd quiet.epd.gz --net 0 --cores 16 --gpus 1
Then to convert your keras model to protobuf tensorflow format:
./scripts/ nets/ID-1-model-0
To also convert to UFF format use
./scripts/ nets 1 0
To restart interrupted training from specific ID e.g. 120
python src/ --epd quiet.epd --id 120
You can build your own network (different number of blocks and filters) by modifying
To train networks by reinforcement learning issue command
./ 3
This will train networks 20x256 resnet using selfplay games produced by the 20x256 network. The net used for producing selfplay games is mentioned first