
Fullstack CRUD Application for Platform for Managing Students and Campuses

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Campus Manager Frontend - Fullstack CRUD Application

Platform For Managing Students and Campuses


User Stories

As a user I:

  • will land on a visually pleasing homepage by default, which allows navigation to view all campuses and all students

can navigate to all campuses view, and

  • see a list of all campuses in the database
  • see an informative message if no campuses exist
  • add a new campus
  • with a validated form displaying real-time error messages

can navigate to a single campus view, and

  • see details about a single campus, including enrolled students (if any)
  • see an informative message if no students are enrolled at that campus
  • navigate to any student’s single student view
  • delete the campus
  • edit campus information (including adding/removing students)
  • with a validated form displaying real-time error messages

can navigate to all students view, and

  • see a list of all students in the database
  • see an informative message if no students exist
  • add a new student
  • with a validated form displaying real-time error messages

can navigate to a single student view, and

  • see details about a single student, including the campus at which they are enrolled (if exists)
  • see an informative message if student is not enrolled at a campus
  • navigate to single campus view of the student’s enrolled campus
  • delete the student
  • edit the student’s information (including campus s/he is enrolled at)
    • with a validated form displaying real-time error messages