
Free information about consciousness calibration techniques.


Consciousness calibration techniques

In this section I try to share the information, which seems very helpful to successfully do consciousness calibration techniques, in a concise format.

What are consciousness calibration techniques? Consciousness calibration techniques are techniques with which consciousness levels of content can be calibrated.

How does one do a consciousness calibration technique? The steps are as follows: For maximum accuracy one devotes the calibration to God. Then one asks if one has permission. If one has permission one can calibrate things which one has verified that one has permission for.

How does one devote the calibration to God? This seems to be usually done via intention (willingness) or by consent (when the option presents itself). One can state the intention to serve the highest good in the form of "In the name of the highest good, ...".

How does one ask if one has permission? This is done via a consciousness calibration.

How is a consciousness calibration for asking for permission done? Operational one states "I have permission to calibrate ____." where "____" is replaced with a formulation of what you intend to calibrate. Alternatively one can also state: "It serves the highest good to ____." where "____" is replaced with a formulation of what you intend to calibrate. Then there are multiple ways to verify that this statement calibrates as true. One is via muscle strength. There are also multiple techniques to do it via muscle strength. One is the O-ring method. With one hand one forms an O-configuration with two fingers by connecting them (i.e. thumb and pointing finger). Then when one calibrates the statement via intention and via indication by muscle strength, one tries to pull apart the O-configuration with one finger of the other hand. It's recommended to do it only with so much phyiscal force as required for you to make the discernment between "holds strong" and "breaks easily". Logically the outcome of "holds strong" is interpreted as true and "breaks easily" as false.

If you start with it, you can first find out if it works for you at the time. A good way to do it is calibrate multiple things that you have a high certainty about that they are true. Best are things which you have verified through experience that they are true (i.e. it works). Then you can see if you receive the same answers with the practiced consciousness calibration technique.

What does one do with the results? The results can inform choices.

Consciousness level calibration

With consciousness level calibration one can calibrate the potency of power of content more precisely. In the previous section, true translates to a consciousness level at or above 200 (>= 200), and false translates to below 200. To arrive at those numbers it seems required to reference a scale. Here is the reference scale that has been used by David R. Hawkins:

Name Level or range
Enlightenment 700 to 1000
Peace 600
Joy 540
Love 500
Reason 400
Acceptance 350
Willingness 310
Neutrality 250
Courage 200
Pride 175
Anger 150
Desire 125
Fear 100
Grief 75
Apathy, hatred 50
Guilt 30
Shame 20

A consciousness level of content can then be calibrated to a precision of choice if one has permission. The sequence of statements could be as follows:

  1. "In the name of the highest good, it serves the highest good to calibrate the consciousness level of ____."

If it serves the highest good:

  1. "In the name of the highest good, ____ calibrates at or above 200."
  2. "At or above 300."
  3. "At or above 400."
  4. ...

Until one receives a false. I.e. if one has received a true for "At or above 400" and a false for "At or above 500" then it calibrates >= 400 and < 500. If chosen, one can make the range smaller by additional statements. I.e. "At or above 450".