
Consciousness research publications with the method as it has been taught by David R. Hawkins.

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Consciousness Research

This work is devoted to God.

Please verify that it serves the highest good before incorporating any of the information into your life. Please also verify with a consciousness calibration technique if the information is correct.


  • "Truth vs. Falsehood - How to tell the difference" by David R. Hawkins: This book seems to be the most focused book on consciousness research out of the books by David R. Hawkins. It states a list of the principles of the science of consciousness which seem to be a good basis for consciousness research.

Reference scale

Name Level or range
Enlightenment 700 to 1000
Peace 600
Joy 540
Love 500
Reason 400
Acceptance 350
Willingness 310
Neutrality 250
Courage 200
Pride 175
Anger 150
Desire 125
Fear 100
Grief 75
Apathy, hatred 50
Guilt 30
Shame 20

Spiritual practices

  • Surrendering ones will (at depth) to God seems to calibrate at 850.
  • Devotional acts seem to calibrate at 540.

Recommended practices for consciousness calibration

  • Always ask for permission before you calibrate something.
  • Always state explicitly the intention to serve God (i.e. in the form of "In the name of the highest good").
  • Always only calibrate things if you have permission. Calibrating if you have permission seems fine. "Having permission" here seems to refer to the condition that a karmic ripeness for what is asked is there. In the books by David R. Hawkins the process is termed "qualifying 'permission'".

From my experience revelation can reveal information that can be helpful for further inquiry with consciousness calibrations.

When one has surrendered ones will at depth to God it seems also possible that consciousness calibration occurs impersonally when conditions are favorable (i.e. something that the intellect cannot work out otherwise practically).

Developing an open-mindesness seems to be benefitial to receive more accurate answers (that it is has been calibrated at or above 555 and below 556).

While doing consciousness calibrations the final doorway can swing open. If that's the case, be willing to surrender at depth to God, which includes the believe in a personal self.

Other recommended practices

  • Before choosing to follow a teacher or teaching, verify first that it serves the highest good to do so and choose to do so only when it does.

Verifiable truth

Verifiable truth is a product of:

  • content
  • point of observation
  • influence of intention
  • context
  • paradigm (meaning)


Consciousness calibration techniques can be used for consciousness research.

For the full method for how to do consciousness calibrations, please check out the appendix for it in one of the books by David R. Hawkins. The appendix seems almost completly available for free here (only one page seems missing).

An O-ring method

This video demonstrates a variant of the O-ring method, which is also mentioned in the instructions for how to do consciousness calibration in the books by David R. Hawkins.


When the Os hold, the calibration can be regarded as strong.

Note regarding the consciousness level numbers

The numbers seem to represent the exponent of 10 raised by the power of the exponent.

The difference of potency of power of two consciousness levels A and B (with B > A) can be calculated with 10^B - 10^A. The result is, how much more powerful B is compared to A.

Formal logic

The words "and" and "or" are used in logical expressions (expressions where those words connect multiple conditions or expressions where a range is stated) like they are defined in boolean algebra.

Definition of logical "and"

A B A and B
false false false
false true false
true false false
true true true

Definition of logical "or"

A B A or B
false false false
false true true
true false true
true true true


The basis for that muscle testing works

The following research is based on what I have read regarding that "a course of miracles" students which seem to have completed the lesson that the mind only believes what one chooses to believe, tested strong to what many others seem to have tested weak to.

  • That consciousness research via muscle strength is based on a believe that the muscle goes weak with negativity (content that calibrates below 200) and stays strong with positivity (content that calibrates at or above 200) calibrates at or above 446 and below 447.
  • The believe that the muscle goes weak with negativity (content that calibrates below 200) and stays strong with positivity (content that calibrates at or above 200) calibrates at or above 256 and below 257.

Consciousness above the levels of human consciousness (above 1000)

  • Archangles: 50000+
  • Angels: 500+

Surrendering ones will at depth to God

In the name of the highest good, I have permission to ask if it's enough to surrender ones will at depth to God once, so that the will stays surrendered at depth to God. (true)

In the name of the highest good, it's enough to surrender ones will at depth to God once, so that the will stays surrendered at depth to God. (true)

Consciousness level of a virus

A virus seems to calibrate at 0.5.

This seems to also show that there is content that calibrates below 1. But above 0, because death (which has been calibrated at 0) is impossible (Life is eternal).

Content on the lowest consciousness levels

I have once witnessed the calibration of calibrations that seem to have calibrated on what consciousness levels the lowest entities calibrate. It seems to be around 10^-26 (0.0000000000000000000000001).

Consciousness level of the book "The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential"

The book has been calibrated to calibrate at or above 866 and below 867.