
Objective: In this assignment, you will participate in a scavenger hunt to further your knowledge and practice of using APIs. You will explore different APIs related to travel, geography, and culture, and complete tasks using these APIs to gain a deeper understanding of their functionality. Using these APIs should not cost you money.

Primary LanguagePython

Objective: In this assignment, you will participate in a scavenger hunt to further your knowledge and practice of using APIs. You will explore different APIs related to travel, geography, and culture, and complete tasks using these APIs to gain a deeper understanding of their functionality. Using these APIs should not cost you money.

APIs to explore: OpenWeatherMap API: Retrieve weather data for different locations. Google Maps API: Display maps, get directions, and search for points of interest. REST Countries API: Access information about countries, including population, area, and languages spoken. Currency Converter API: Convert between different currencies using real-time exchange rates. Tasks:

Task 1: OpenWeatherMap API

  1. Sign up for an API key at https://openweathermap.org/apiLinks to an external site.
  2. Retrieve the current weather for London, United Kingdom.
  3. Retrieve the 5-day forecast for Tokyo, Japan.
  4. 1,000 API calls per day for free

Task 2: Google Maps API

  1. Sign up for an API key at https://developers.google.com/maps/Links to an external site.
  2. Display a map centered on New York City, USA.
  3. Find the shortest route by car between San Francisco, USA, and Los Angeles, USA.
  4. Free trial: https://cloud.google.com/free/docs/free-cloud-features?_gl=1*om4ga7*_ga*MTkwNDcyMjc0LjE2ODIwMzM1OTM.*_ga_NRWSTWS78N*MTY4MjAzMzU5My4xLjEuMTY4MjAzMzcyMS4wLjAuMALinks to an external site...

Task 3: REST Countries API

  1. Access the API documentation at https://restcountries.com/Links to an external site.
  2. Retrieve information about Brazil, including its population, area, and official language.
  3. Retrieve a list of all countries in Africa.
  4. no API key is required

Task 4: Currency Converter API

  1. Sign up for an API key at https://www.currencyconverterapi.com/Links to an external site.
  2. Convert 100 USD to EUR.
  3. Convert 1000 JPY to GBP.
  4. Free Number of Requests per Hour: 100