Final Year Project 2021

This is repository for the B.Tech CSE Final Year Project done under Professor Dr. Rajendra Pamula.

The members of this project are:

  • Shashwat Gupta - 18JE0769
  • Sanket Agarwal - 18JE0730
  • Nainesh Hulke - 18JE0513
  • Sourav Kumar Choudhary - 18JE0833

This github repository contains web-based, android-based, and server-based files for our project each in a separate directory. The idea is to create an assistive android and web based platform for early diagnosis of severe yet curable diseases. We implemented the above idea for the following diseases:

  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Brain Tumor
  • Skin Cancer

With the service we are providing you, days of diagnosis are reduce to few seconds. The idea is discussed in detain in the presentation here. (explanation also available)

Moreover, the working of our project can be seen here. (demo also available)

Short Summary of the project can be seen here.