
How it works:
LeetCode provides graphql query api. This is public api. But querying graphql little bit messy. So I have created this to easily get desired data. Leet code graphql URL = https://leetcode.com/graphql
Query used in this project is:

 query getUserProfile($username: String!) {
    recentAcSubmissionList(username: $username) {

Check the leetcode.js file to see how the data was fetched by fetch api.

By the way

API URL = https://faisal-leetcode-api.cyclic.app/yourLeetcodeUsername
Response is like this:

  "totalSolved": 43,
  "totalSubmissions": [
    "difficulty": "All",
    "count": 58,
    "submissions": 116
    "difficulty": "Easy",
    "count": 15,
    "submissions": 34
    "difficulty": "Medium",
    "count": 33,
    "submissions": 54
    "difficulty": "Hard",
    "count": 10,
    "submissions": 27
  "totalQuestions": 2738,
  "easySolved": 12,
  "totalEasy": 686,
  "mediumSolved": 21,
  "totalMedium": 1449,
  "hardSolved": 10,
  "totalHard": 603,
  "ranking": 1139392,
  "contributionPoint": 217,
  "reputation": 28067,
  "submissionCalendar": {
    "1664323200": 1,
    "1664496000": 1,
    "1664755200": 4,
    "1664841600": 5,
    "1667865600": 3,
    "1678060800": 1