
We propose an approach to set the parameters with boundary setting for a functional neural network model for the phishing website identification model. Under this methodology, the algorithm chooses a characteristic set appropriate for identifying phishing sites. Then, the neural network trains the chosen feature set to build an ideal classifier to characterize & detect phishing websites.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


We propose an approach to set the parameters with boundary setting for a functional neural network model for the phishing website identification model. Under this methodology, the algorithm chooses a characteristic set appropriate for identifying phishing sites. Then, the neural network trains the chosen feature set to build an ideal classifier to characterize & detect phishing websites.

TDLHBA (Tuning Deep Learning using Bat/Hybrid Bat Algorithm)

Here we use the β€œTDLHBA (Tuning Deep Learning using Bat/Hybrid Bat Algorithm)” hyperparameter settings to determine the training loss and accuracy on the dataset. To evaluate the effectiveness of our suggested model, two different approaches were assessed.

Approach 1

Randomly Tuned Neural Network was utilized from the UCI phishing dataset that has 11055 cases, with 55.7% genuine URLs and 44.3% phishing URLs. In the meantime, 70% of the total instances are utilized to train the neural network's classifier, with the leftover 30% being utilized for testing.

Approach 2

TDLHBA Hyperparameter Settings was utilized to check the increase in efficiency using tuned hyperparameters. This approach is based on the same dataset used previously.


A neural network is a notable supervised learning strategy. They have solid indeterminate mapping abilities and can hypothetically fit unpredictable functions. The customary neural network model can be summed up into 3 layers:

  • input layer
  • activation method
  • output layer

The ongoing gradient drop computation modifies the settings of every level of the neural unit until the inaccuracy is restricted in the backpropagation process. The usage of a neural network can overcome the over-fitting issue for multi-feature characterization concerns in phishing site identification. The neural network system has high accuracy in detecting phishing assaults due to its dynamic learning and speculation abilities. The whole detection process is isolated into two sections:

  • the training part
  • and the testing part

The feature extraction and feature selection algorithms build an effective feature set from the database during the training phase. The neural network is then used to learn the best features. We can acquire an effective neural network classifier for detecting phishing sites by varying the number of neural network layers and not showing the number of units and the learning rate during the training cycle.

During the testing phase, the extraction of features and selection algorithms eliminate the URLs' corresponding ideal feature set. Then, to achieve the phishing site detection results, these features are fed into the classifier.

Step 1.

To produce an ideal feature collection for the training sample, phishing site feature extrication & optimization are performed. After playing out the cycle, the limit of FVV (Feature Validity Value) is set to 0.096 by taking out 8 features. We cut the dataset, passing on just 23 optimal features to participate in the optimization of the neural network model.

The FVV is defined as

𝐹𝑉𝑉 = π‘π‘’π‘š(π‘π‘œπ‘ π‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘£π‘’)+π‘π‘’π‘š(π‘›π‘’π‘”π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘£π‘’) / π‘š

Step 2.

Here we train a β€œneural network classifier” reasonable for identifying phishing sites. The ideal neural network model is acquired by changing configurations like the number of layers, the activation method, and the learning rate. To acquire the ideal neural network model for identifying phishing sites, we contrasted the performances of 6 models with various layers of error. It very well may be seen from Fig.8 that the classification accuracy is ideal when the classification accuracy is three layers. Besides, the classification accuracy arrives at a maximum of 97%. Along these lines, our neural network model is implemented as a three-layered completely associated network with a blend of activation techniques of 'Sigmoid' and 'reLU'. By doing this, our model has a sum of 1406 (23Γ—40+20Γ—23+1Γ—23+3Γ—1=1406) weights and 3 biases.

Step 3.

The extraction of features and selection interface are used to collect 23 useful attributes to distinguish phishing URLs. Then, at that point, for every URL, we can get a 23-layered effective feature vector [x1, x2, …, x23]. Input:

  Fv: feature vector set; 
  πœ”: weights of NN model; 
  b: bias of NN model; 
  L: number of layers in the neural network.


  Y: phishing classification result.


  NN model ← LoadWeightsBias(πœ”,b); 
  π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›[0] ← 𝐹𝑣; 
  for i = 1, ..., L do 
  π‘Œ[𝑖] ← π‘Ÿπ‘’πΏπ‘ˆ(𝑁𝑁 π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘π‘’π‘™. πœ” Γ— π‘Œ[𝑖 βˆ’ 1] + 𝑏[𝑖 βˆ’ 1]); 
  end for 
  Y ← π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›[𝐿]; 
  if Y < 0.5 then 
  return -1 //It is a phishing URL; 
  return 1 //It is a legal URL.
Step 4.

We added the weight & activation variables to the neural network at this stage. Then, at that point, the vector sets of the extracted features were shipped off the prepared neural network classifier to get the phishing sites' identification values. The input parameters are typically handled by a reLU function for each layer. To get the operations to result for a layer, multiply the weighted matrix (πœ”) by the previous layer's result and add bias (b). The classifier's output (Y) is generated once the final layer is handled. If Y is less than 0.5, the program will yield -1 and record this URL as a fraudulent URL, as seen in the above computation. Regardless, the method computes 1 and stamps it as a valid URL.


We have suggested a functional phishing website detection model in this paper, which is profoundly accurate. We used FVV (Feature Validity Value) to overview the impact of features appropriate to phishing website identification in this work. Our proposed model has a good ability for autonomous learning because it employs the neural network technique. This algorithm is capable of dealing with issues such as a large number of phishing sensitivity features and feature changes over time and also this can help to mitigate the neural network classifier's overfitting problem. Because the sensitivity of feature phishing websites is always changing, additional features will be required in the future to accomplish this model. As a next step, you can wrap the final model as a REST API endpoint and use it along with a webpage.