
A Tinder for Pokemon Lovers who can swipe and search for their favorite Pokemon and know about their stats.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Tinder for Pokemon Lovers who can swipe and search for their favorite Pokemon and know about their stats.

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The inspiration behind this project were our memories and fun associated with Pokemons. Anyone can use this to travel down their memory lane and check and search about their favorite Pokemons. Many existing websites that operate in a similar manner tend to be easily available for searching Pokemons but this project attempts to resolve the issue of people getting bored in these times of pandemic and use Tinder in a different way, an open-source alternative.

What it does

Have you ever used Tinder to find the soulmate ? Poke-Tinder is an area where you can find you Pokemon from a number of popular pokemons and we share its stats with you. Do you like Pokemons, but don’t know where to look for them ? Do you want a Tinder for pokemons exclusively? Well we have the product for you, introducing Poke-Tinder.

This website will provide you with set prompts of different Pokemons where they show off their stats. You can swipe at your will to find more options and see about the pokemon of your liking. The website can search for your pokemon too and if it did not existed your search would be updated in our database and we can add it for you. Cool isn't it ?

How we built it

This frontend was built using React.js with JavaScript, Python3, HTML5, and CSS3. The backend was build with Firebase.

Challenges we ran into

We encountered difficulties when using React.js to create the frontend of the program. The components would lose functionality at times. There was also difficulty in routing these components to their backend counterparts.

The backend was a very complex piece of work. Asynchronously executing arbitrary user-submitted code in a sandboxed environment, allowing the users to utilize stdout for debugging, and preventing users from bogging down the server with slow code is a very tough challenge. Preparing the database from a messed and mixed dataset was also a challenging task.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We created a stable view of the frontend using React.js, with full functionality. We also connected the frontend to the backend successfully. The components on the frontend correspond with their backend counterparts with minimal errors.

While it isn’t as far along as we’d like, we succeeded in executing user code in a safe sandboxed environment via Firebase, checking their results in a language-agnostic way, and handling malicious code uploads.

What we learned

Each of us had our very unique learning experience. Our learning was distributed on an wide array of programming languages like JavaScript, Python3 and its libraries. We also learned a ton about Firebase, and functional programming.

What's next for Poke-Tinder

We will implement more languages as the project continues. Currently, there is no authentication. Allowing users to only submit the code snippet relevant to their submission instead of making them handle writing their results to the appropriate file. We want to add some stat visualizations and some more interactivity where it would enable the user to make Tinderly right and left swipes and use machine learning to make the right matches for the authenticated user.