
Bruteforce attack on hibiscus to get passcode

Primary LanguagePython

Bruteforce on Elective Website

Bruteforce attack on hibiscus elective website to get passcode. Due to some incovenience forget passcode isn't working for few mail ids. So this program will help to find lost passcode at ease


Usage of 'brute.py' for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal Developer assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program


  1. requires 'Python3'
  2. install 'requests' library just by following these commands. Open cmd / terminal and type pip install requests

How to use ?

  1. Clone or download this repo
  2. Open brute.py with your code editor or notepad
  3. Enter your email address in email variable
  4. Open command prompt and go to the directory while brute.py is located and enter python -m brute.py
  5. Code will start and long list of wrong pass will appear, wait for few hours and at last correct pass will appear at end of line