
gym-cooking: Code for "Too many cooks: Bayesian inference for coordinating multi-agent collaboration", Winner of CogSci 2020 conference award in computational modelling.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Code for OvercookedEnvironment (gym-cooking) and "Too many cooks: Bayesian inference for coordinating multi-agent collaboration"

Code for "Too many cooks: Bayesian inference for coordinating multi-agent collaboration", Winner of CogSci 2020 conference award in computational modelling.



Collaboration requires agents to coordinate their behavior on the fly, sometimes cooperating to solve a single task together and other times dividing it up into sub-tasks to work on in parallel. Underlying the human ability to collaborate is theory-of-mind, the ability to infer the hidden mental states that drive others to act. Here, we develop Bayesian Delegation, a decentralized multi-agent learning mechanism with these abilities. Bayesian Delegation enables agents to rapidly infer the hidden intentions of others by inverse planning. We test Bayesian Delegation in a suite of multi-agent Markov decision processes inspired by cooking problems. On these tasks, agents with Bayesian Delegation coordinate both their high-level plans (e.g. what sub-task they should work on) and their low-level actions (e.g. avoiding getting in each other’s way). In a self-play evaluation, Bayesian Delegation outperforms alternative algorithms. Bayesian Delegation is also a capable ad-hoc collaborator and successfully coordinates with other agent types even in the absence of prior experience. Finally, in a behavioral experiment, we show that Bayesian Delegation makes inferences similar to human observers about the intent of others. Together, these results demonstrate the power of Bayesian Delegation for decentralized multi-agent collaboration.

Please use this bibtex if you want to cite this repository in your publications:

  title={Too many cooks: Coordinating multi-agent collaboration through inverse planning},
  author={Wang, Rose E and Wu, Sarah A and Evans, James A and Tenenbaum, Joshua B and Parkes, David C and Kleiman-Weiner, Max},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.11778},


You can install the dependencies with pip3:

git clone https://github.com/rosewang2008/gym-cooking.git
cd gym-cooking
pip3 install -e .

All experiments have been run with python3!


Here, we discuss how to run a single experiment, run our code in manual mode, and re-produce results in our paper. For information on customizing environments, observation/action spaces, and other details, please refer to our section on Design and Customization

For the code below, make sure that you are in gym-cooking/gym_cooking/. This means, you should be able to see the file main.py in your current directory.

Running an experiment

The basic structure of our commands is the following:

python main.py --num-agents <number> --level <level name> --model1 <model name> --model2 <model name> --model3 <model name> --model4 <model name>

where <number> is the number of agents interacting in the environment (we handle up to 4 agents), level name are the names of levels available under the directory cooking/utils/levels, omitting the .txt.

The <model name> are the names of models described in the paper. Specifically <model name> can be replaced with:

  • bd to run Bayesian Delegation,
  • up for Uniform Priors,
  • dc for Divide & Conquer,
  • fb for Fixed Beliefs, and
  • greedy for Greedy.

For example, running the salad recipe on the partial divider with 2 agents using Bayesian Delegation looks like: python main.py --num-agents 2 --level partial-divider_salad --model1 bd --model2 bd

Or, running the tomato-lettuce recipe on the full divider with 3 agents, one using UP, one with D&C, and the third with Bayesian Delegation: python main.py --num-agents 2 --level full-divider_tl --model1 up --model2 dc --model3 bd

Although our work uses object-oriented representations for observations/states, the OvercookedEnvironment.step function returns image observations in the info object. They can be retrieved with info['image_obs'].

Additional commands

The above commands can also be appended with the following flags:

  • --record will save the observation at each time step as an image in misc/game/record.

Manual control

To manually control agents and explore the environment, append the --play flag to the above commands. Specifying the model names isn't necessary but the level and the number of agents is still required. For instance, to manually control 2 agents with the salad task on the open divider, run:

python main.py --num-agents 2 --level open-divider_salad --play

This will open up the environment in Pygame. Only one agent can be controlled at a time -- the current active agent can be moved with the arrow keys and toggled by pressing 1, 2, 3, or 4 (up until the actual number of agents of course). Hit the Enter key to save a timestamped image of the current screen to misc/game/screenshots.

Reproducing paper results

To run our full suite of computational experiments (self-play and ad-hoc), we've provided the scrip run_experiments.sh that runs our experiments on 20 seeds with 2 agents.

To run on 3 agents, modify run_experiments.sh with num_agents=3.

Creating visualizations

To produce the graphs from our paper, navigate to the gym_cooking/misc/metrics directory, i.e.

  1. cd gym_cooking/misc/metrics.

To generate the timestep and completion graphs, run:

  1. python make_graphs.py --legend --time-step
  2. python make_graphs.py --legend --completion

This should generate the results figures that can be found in our paper.

Results for homogenous teams (self-play experiments): graphs

Results for heterogeneous teams (ad-hoc experiments): heatmaps