
This repo comes with a handy tool called dotdrop. It helps to manage various dotfiles and install them as well.

Here are some handy commands to help get started:

  • Adding files/directories to the repo to be symlinked when installing: ./ import --link=link <file>
  • Comparing files in the repo with what's set up in ~ already: ./ compare [--profile=<profile_name>]
  • Installing files (see config.yaml for profiles - you may need to create one): ./ install [--profile=<profile_name>]

Additionally, this repo also stores *_setup files for quickly getting devices going. They start as .md files containing instructions but the goal is to (slowly) migrate them over to fully automated scripts.


  • Development environment with Kitty, Fish, and Neovim. Each language is managed by asdf
  • Package management with pikaur
  • Catppuccin Theme for TMux, Neovim, Fish, Kitty, and even DuckDuckGo!


  • Add some screenshots and gifs of what the setup looks like
  • Generate and update ctags for repos