
The simple javascript bundler under gulp

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The simplest plugin to build scripts supporting base import/export expressions. Suitable for small simple vanilla javascript projects.

Consider example section to quick jump into.


npm install Sanshain/gulp-packager


npm i gulp-packager

Using with gulp:

For descriptive reasons the examples below assumes the following task in gulpfile.js:

gulp.task('build', function() {

    let src = './samples/**/init.ts';
    return gulp.src(src)                       
        .pipe(rename((path) => path.extname = '.js'))                              
        .pipe(packager({ release : true })) 
        // .pipe(ts())

gulp example: expand the detail:

gulp example


__common.ts file:

export let months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
let r = 7
export var a = 66;

export function Ads(arg){}

function asd(){}

export function f(){}

export class Asde{constructor(){}}

and init.ts:

import { months, Ads } from "./button/__common"

var a = months;

var c = 754;



turn out the content inside init.js in the same directory:

const $$button$__commonExports = (function (exports) {
	let months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
	let r = 7
	var a = 66;

	function Ads(arg){}

	function asd(){}

	function f(){}

	class Asde{constructor(){}}

	exports = { months, a, Ads, f, Asde };

	return exports 

const {  months, Ads  } = $$button$__commonExports;

var a = months;

var c = 754;


Using as API (w/o gulp):

const build = require('gulp-packager/pack').integrate

const r = build("samples/init.ts")



  • does not currently support importing npm packages. If your needs are beyond the scope of this package, suggest using rollup.
  • no sourcemap support (may be TODO)
  • not supported combined recipes of imports like following forms:
import defaultExport, * as name from "./module-name";
import defaultExport, { export } from "./module-name";


  • release : true - removes comments all over inside built file


Besides using import * as name from './...', import {name} from './...' you can also use `import './...``. But this option does not intended for types/class imports - what will you get a hint about in this case

Advanced features:

If you need to skip some import statements, you should to wrap it into following comment with lazy keyword:

import * as lazy from "./__common"

In this case the multiple comments with lazy word in output file will be removed including all import content between them