
improved types for every day sounding like symphony

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm npm

A package that aims to eliminate some of the shortcomings of the built-in types in standard ts libraries and deliver additional utility types that will facilitate daily work. Inspired by ts-reset.

Built-in types features:



const a = [1, 2, 3] as const;
let arr = a.map(r => r + '')                              // string[]


const a = [1, 2, 3] as const;
let arr = a.map(r => r + '')                             // [string, string, string]



function checkArray(a: { a: 1 } | ReadonlyArray<number>) 
    if (Array.isArray(a)) {                              
        a.forEach(item => item.f())                         // => runtime error!
    else { a.a }                                            // type error: property `a` does not exists!


function checkArray(a: { a: 1 } | ReadonlyArray<number>) 
    if (Array.isArray(a)) {
        a.forEach(item => item.f())                         // type error: f does not exist on type number
    else { a.a }                                            // success 



let o = Object.create({})                                   // any


let o = Object.create({})                                   // object



let t = Object.assign({ a: 7, b: 8 }, { b: '' })            // {a: number, b: never}


let t = Object.assign({ a: 7, b: 8 }, { b: '' })            // {a: number, b: string}



const a = { a: 1 }
const r = Object.defineProperty(a, "b", { value: 1, });     // {a: number}


const a = { a: 1 }
const r = Object.defineProperty(a, "b", { value: 1, });     // {a: number, readonly b: number}



const a = { a: 1 }
const rs = Object.defineProperties({ a: 1 }, {              // {a: number}
    b: { value: 1 }


const a = { a: 1 }
const rs = Object.defineProperties({ a: 1 }, {              // {a: number, readonly b: number}
    b: { value: 1 }


A very strong temptation was to make an Object.keys(obj) returned (keys of obj)[] instead of string[]. However, in the process it was found out that such use is safe only if the received keys are used exclusively for comparison with primitives. But using them again as object type keys can lead to non-obvious errors at runtime (see for example, which will cause a runtime error). Thus, the usual redefinition of the type makes it less secure, and therefore we have abandoned such redefinition in this package. However, if you are determined, there is a safe way for you to do this using the ts-keys-turn package

Object.keys with `ts-keys-turn`


type O = { a: number, b: number }
const obj: O = { a: 1, b: 1 }
const keys = Object.keys(obj)                    // string[]

after ts-keys-turn:

const keys = Object.keys<O>(obj)                  // ("a" | "b")[]

However, this approach has several constraints (see the documentation)

Look up the section on configuring the package for use with Object.keys

Object.keys with unsafe branch

There is also an unsafe branch that contains the aforementioned Object.keys declaration, which assumes its use without any transformations, if you are willing to take responsibility for its use as keys

const keys = Object.keys<O>({a: 1, b: 1})        // ("a" | "b")[]

DOM features:


Improves detecting Element type from selector signature.


const input = document.querySelector('input');                         // is HTMLInputElement | null
const unknown = document.querySelector('.cls');                        // is Element | null
const inputWCls = document.querySelector('input.cls');                 // is Element | null

if (divCls) {
    inputWCls.value = ''                                               // error


const input = document.querySelector('input');                      // is HTMLInputElement | null
const unknown = document.querySelector('.cls');                     // is Element | null
const inputWCls = document.querySelector('input.cls');              // is HTMLInputElement | null
if (divCls) {
    inputWCls.value = ''                                            // success


Original querySelector required just to use generic to specify returned type that may differ from the runtime:


const misspell = document.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>('a.cls');         // is HTMLInputElement | null
if (misspell){
    const replaced = misspell.value.replace('.', ',')                       // runtime error!


const misspell = document.querySelector('a.cls');                           // is HTMLInputElement | null
if (misspell){
    const replaced = misspell.value.replace('.', ',')                       // typescript error!


Now HTMLElement.cloneNode allways returns HTMLElement:


const elem = document.getElementById('id')              // elem is HTMLElement
const clonedElem = elem?.cloneNode()                    // clonedElem is Node


const elem = document.getElementById('id')              // elem is HTMLElement
const clonedElem = elem?.cloneNode()                    // clonedElem is HTMLElement also


Improved automatic type detection for the currentTarget in MouseEvent, KeyboardEvent and other user interface events (only inside addEventListener callback):


let elem: HTMLDivElement = document.querySelector('div');
elem?.addEventListener('click', e => {        
    let target = e.currentTarget;                       // is EventTarget | null


let elem: HTMLDivElement = document.querySelector('div');
elem?.addEventListener('click', e => {        
    let target = e.currentTarget;                       // is HTMLDivElement | null

Utility types:

Look up README.md inside corresponding declaration directory.

How to use

npm i -D types-spring

To patch the built-in types:

add types-spring to include list inside tsconfig.json:

    // ...,
    "include": [

Similar packages:


As it was said at the beginning, this package was inspired by ts-reset. At first glance, it seemed that the ts-reset does very little: it just overrides in tslib any to unknown type wherever possible, and contains two useful improvements for Array.indexOf and Array.filter. However despite the fact that in this one there are not so much features, it is very profound and I would say that the author is very scrupulous about safing.


Despite the small contribution of ts-reset, I was very tempted to use some of its functions in types-spring, but I deliberately did not do it in order not to repeat what other people have already done in the best possible way before me. I consider ts-reset as be a fundamental package, and the best thing to do today is to use these two these packages (ts-reset and types-spring) together


This is a awesome package with a huge number of utility types. When I started working on types-string, I didn't know anything about it. However, when I got awared, to my surprise found that most of them (with the exception of just two) do not overlap with types-spring! It turns out that these are completely different packages with different tools, since their authors think differently.


types-spring and types-fest may well complement each other. Of course, that's so


