
an experiment on data bindings on logseq plugin development.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Logseq data binding experiment - minimal live editing

This is an experiment on data bindings on logseq plugin development. The example is about a minimal live editing.

Mainly based on type inference of typescript.


Basic ideas

In brief:

  • logseq/handlers.ts: dom event handlers
  • components: htmltemplate databinding with type constraint
  • logseq/styles.ts: one single css style

In detail:

  • register all the data-ref and callback names in logseq/info.ts
  • bind data-ref and method names for this plugin in components/my-type.ts
  • write components rendering method, and do data binding. see components/TextInput/index.ts. event handlers are defined outside in logseq/handlers.ts
  • render components with html template, where all possible slots are defined in lib/components.ts renderTemplate method.
  • inject ui into logseq with logseq API ProvideUI in logseq/render.ts

Editing live content poses challenges, particularly with auto-blur when updating blocks, hindering continuous editing. Additionally, the editablecontent attribute, sanitized by DOMPurify, limits this functionality to input elements, preventing insertion as flex-width inline elements.

Why do this

To organize and refactor component in a reliable way.