
Server side for playroom application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Playroom Server

Building Multiplayer Games with Node.js and Socket.IO. Implementing Socket.IO in an OOP environment with ES6 classes.


This project aims to experiment with Node.js and the Socket.IO library in order to create a real-time gaming experience.

Launch project

Your computer must have Node installed.

In order for the project to work run the following commands :

> npm install
> node server

You can add your own .env file with your own port configuration.

> ENV_PORT = 3002


  • Node.js - Node provides the foundation for the back-end portion of the game, and allows the use of the Socket.IO library.

  • Socket.IO - Socket.IO makes it possible and simple to open a real-time, bidirectional communication channel between a web browser (if it supports websockets protocol) and a server.

This is a socket-io and node-js object oriented code structure approach in order to encapsulate room and games logic.

Features description

We have three logical layers to the user experience. First, we have what we call the Lobby where every users connect by default. Then we have a room. It holds logic for users in the same room given a socket room name. And finally we have a game. An instance of a specific game for a specific room.

Feature Description
Create a new room A player can also a new room instance. The server will return an ID, so that others can use it to join.
Join a room A player will be able to join a room by specifying the room’s ID.
Start a game The game owner can start a choosen game.


Start a new game means creating a new instance of a particular game : - Chat game - Drawing game ... This new instance will be specific to a room. Any modifications done to this game will only affect the room so that many groups can play the same game.