
Learning GO Lang

Primary LanguageGo

Go Lang

Efficent as C and high level as python. Compiled language with garbage collection.


Class is structs in Go but it doesnt support inheritance, generics and constructors.


Supports concurrency through Goroutines (threads), channels and select


var x int; has Keyword name type format. Supported declaration formats : var x,y int;

Types : can define alias for specific types type celcius float16 type name string

Constant : Declares const immutable values const x = 1.3 const ( // Declaring multiple constats y = 4 name = "Austin" )

Iota (enumerator) : Constants with random values const ( Monday int = iota // all other variables would also be iota Tuesday wednesday )

Control flow

if :

 if <condition> {
    if x> 5 {
        fmt.Println("> 5")

For :

    for <init>; <condition>; <update> { // these 3 are optional. without any its an infinite loop

    for i:=0; i< 10; i++ {
        fmt.Printf("%d", i);

Switch : Switch automatically breaks on a match.

    switch <tag> { // tag is optional, then cases are conditions.
        case <value1> :
        case <Value2>:

    var x int = 10;
    switch x {
        case 1 :
            fmt.Printf("Case 1")
        case 2 :
            fmt.Printf("case 2")
        default :
            fmt.Printf("case 3")

User input

fmt.Scan() does the scanning

var num int fmt.Println("Enter an int") fmt.Scan(&num) // takes in the int and assign to num. fmt.Println(num)


if, for, switch : all code inside the statement switch or select : clauses get a block

Composite Data type

Arrays : all values initailized to zero

    var array [5]int
    array[1] = 2
    fmt.printf(x[0]) // prints 0
    array := [...]int{1,2,3,4}
    for i,v range array {
        fmt.Printf("index %d contains %d", i, v)

Array Literal : used to initailize an array

    var x [5] int = [5]{1,2,3,4,5} // RHS is the literal
    x := [...]int{1,2,3,4} // initializes array with 4 literals

Slice : a section of an array. Slices only have value refed in array. Any change will be reflected

    arr := [...] string {1,2,3,4,5}
    s1 := arr[1:3] // slice
    len(s1) // returns size of s1
    cap(s1) // will be the size of the array. hence 5