
Authorize with github packages

Need to use githubs container registry. could use any other, but i couldnt get others to work. Follow instructions here for, intuit's github doesnt allow you to host packages.

To create a new recipe

  1. Create a bicep file and define your recipe
  2. Publish it rad bicep publish --file myrecipe.bicep --target eg: rad bicep publish --file ./customRecipe/redisCache.bicep --target
  3. Register it rad recipe register re --environment default --resource-type Applications.Datastores/redisCaches --template-kind bicep --template-path localhost:5000/rediscache:0.0.1

To publish it locally (manifest file issues.)

  1. install k3d. brew install k3d

  2. create a registry k3d cluster create --agents 2 -p "80:80@loadbalancer" --k3s-arg "--disable=traefik@server:0" --registry-create reciperegistry:51351

  3. write out the recipe in a bicep file

  4. Publish the receipe rad bicep publish --file ./customRecipe/redisCache.bicep --target br:localhost:51351/recipes/local-dev/rediscache:0.0.1 --plain-http

  5. Register the receipe rad recipe register myredis --environment default --template-kind bicep --template-path 'localhost:51351/recipes/local-dev/rediscache:0.0.1' --resource-type 'Applications.Datastores/redisCaches' --plain-http "message": "code RecipeLanguageFailure: err failed to fetch repository from the path "localhost:51351/recipes/local-dev/rediscache:0.0.1": Head "http://localhost:51351/v2/recipes/local-dev/rediscache/manifests/0.0.1\": dial tcp connect: connection refused",

  6. Use the recipe in the app.bicep

resource db 'Applications.Datastores/redisCaches@2023-10-01-preview' = {
  name: 'db'
  properties: {
    environment: environment
    application: application
    recipe: {
      name: 'myrecipe' ##
  1. deploy the app rad deploy ./app.bicep This is failing with manifest fetch failures.

Known errors

  1. docker login -u -p Error response from daemon: Get "": unknown: Login has failed. Due to Incorrect username/password or locked user. For some reason docker intuit doesnt wanna log me in with the API key