
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Junior Phase Final Project

Getting started

  1. Fork and clone this repo.
  2. npm install.
  3. npm run start:dev


The Premise

You are the CTO of the Margaret Hamilton Interplanetary Academy of JavaScript. Create a RESTful web platform that allows you to manage your students and campuses. Before getting started, please carefully review the expectations as outlined below.

The tools

For this project, you must use Express to handle HTTP requests and Sequelize to interface with your database. Likewise, you must use React, Redux and React-Redux on the front-end. This means that all important state (i.e. students and campuses) must be managed by the Redux store (unimportant state, like form data, may be managed by stateful React components). Components that display student/campus data should therefore be connected to the Redux store.

  • other client side libraries you will need
  • redux
  • react-redux
  • react-router-dom
  • redux-thunk
  • axios

Requirements + Rubric

For the requirements and rubric, refer to the following two files:

  • REQUIREMENTS.md - contains the functional requirements of the project
  • RUBRIC.md - contains the grading rubric for additional factors, as well as the formula for calculating the total score

Views and Functionality

Take a look in the wireframes folder as a reference for how your front-end could look. Of course, you are encouraged to be creative and flex your own design muscles, but the wireframes should function as a good baseline/inspirational resource. Either way, the most important part of the project is that it works - design/appearance is extra-credit. If there ever appears to be a conflict between the wireframes and the rubric/requirements below, go with the letter of the rubric/requirements.


  • Requirements score (70%)
  • Rubric score (30%)
  • Extra credit (15% max)