'Entuchip' is my take on writing an emulator for the Chip-8.
Entuchip is written in C++ and uses the FreeGLUT library for displaying the graphics
The name 'Entuchip' is a combination of 'entu' (Kannada Language pronounciation for the number Eight) and 'chip' (from Chip-8).
Launch screen of EntuChip
Running 'Invaders'
Entuchip makes extensive use of the FreeGLUT library
Martin Payne's Windows binaries (MSVC)
Entuchip uses the compiled Windows binaries of the FreeGLUT Library. These binaries are included in the Dependencies folder of the project
How to write an emulator (CHIP-8 Interpreter)
This article helped me get started with writing this emulator. It provided a comprehensive introduction to Chip-8
Cowgod's Chip-8 Technical Reference v1.0
This technical reference helped me to understand and correctly implement the features of Chip-8