pm2 for ML project deployment

I got strucked, after some days when I see pm2 list, there is no any apps, so I used this resurrect command, it will show the old apps. Note: it will show only the saved apps which we used before

pm2 resurrect

I used this above command, it will show the apps,

For help

pm2 --help (here we will get all the commands)

For checking the files

pm2 ls

To start the app using pm2

pm2 start --interpreter python3

For checking the status

pm2 status

For checking the files

pm2 ls

For checking the logs

pm2 logs

For stopping the app (Use if needed only)

pm2 stop app or (pm2 stop 0)

For restarting the app (Use if needed only)

pm2 restart app or (pm2 restart 0)

Showing the application

pm2 show app

Stopping the application

pm2 stop app

Delete the application

pm2 delete app