This project is a cards deck implemented in ecmaScript 6 that provides the following API:
//initilization of the module
var cardsDeck = new CardDeck();
//function to create a french suit deck
//addJokers is a boolean "true" if the jokers should be added to the cards deck.
//default true.
//function to create a spanish deck
//addJokers is a boolean "true" if the jokers should be added to the cards deck.
//default true.
//function to create a custom deck
//suits is an array representing the custom suits for the cards deck.
//ranks is an array representing the custom ranks for the cards deck.
//addJokers is a boolean "true" if the jokers should be added to the cards deck.
//default true.
cardsDeck.startCustomDeck(suits, ranks, addJokers);
//function to shuffle the deck
//numberOfShuffles defines how many times de array is shuffle.
//default 1.
//function to obtain numberOfCards cards
//from the top of the cards deck.
//numberOfCards is the number of cards that the user wants
//to obtain from the cards deck.
//if numberOfCards <= cards.length a custom exception is handle an logged into the console.
//function to obtain numberOfCards cards
//from the bottom of the cards deck.
//numberOfCards is the number of cards that the user wants
//to obtain from the cards deck.
//if numberOfCards <= cards.length a custom exception is handle an logged into the console.
//function that return the amount of cards left in the deck.
//function to restore cards to the initial state.
1 - You must have installed NodeJS.
2 - Clone the repository and run the command "npm install" from the root folder.
3 - Run the command "webpack" to generate the build files.
3 - To see if the project is working properly run the unit testing with the command "npm run tests".
4 - If you want a distribution version file of the project run the command "webpack -p" for a minified version or only the command "webpack" if you don't want a minified version. If no errors you should find the distribution version on the folder ./build.
** If the command webpack is not working you need to install "webpack-cli" from npm.
In the example project you are going to find examples of the usage of the cardsDeck Api. In order to run the demo project you must:
1 - Run the command "webpack --config example/webpack-example.config.js" to generate the build files.
2 - Run the command "npm run example" from the root folder to start the example.
"babel-core": "^6.22.1",
"babel-loader": "^6.2.10",
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.22.0",
"jasmine": "^2.5.3",
"jasmine-core": "^2.5.2",
"karma": "^1.5.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^2.0.0",
"karma-jasmine": "^1.1.0",
"karma-mocha-reporter": "^2.2.2",
"karma-webpack": "^2.0.2",
"webpack": "^2.2.1",
"webpack-dev-server": "^2.3.0"
Dependencies "Why?..." one by one:
babel - We need babel so we can write code in ecmaScript 6 and transpile it to ecma 5 using webpack.
webpack - We need webpack since we are using it to configure and generate the builds.
webpack-dev-server - We use the webpack-dev-server to test the application and run the example project.
jasmine - We use jasmine to create the unit testing code.
karma - We use karma to run the unit testing. We also use the mocha reporter to generate a better report of the unit testing result. We use the chrome launcher to automatically run chrome to run the unit testing.