
Reddit-like app but for offices!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Reddit-like app but for offices!

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This project is a rough clone of the popular message boards media site, Reddit. The user will have the ability to create a new account, update that account, post and comment on posts.

*** Insert images of wireframes / planning docs here ***

Technologies Used Javascript HTML CSS AJAX Custom API Postman

Approach Taken we started by implementing a simple login feature. Then we implemented a way to post and comment under each post. Once we had that set we made it so that the user was able to delete his/her comments. we also gave the user the option to go to his/her profile and view his/her posts there.

How to Use You start at the login/registration page and enter your username and password if you are a returning user or you fill out the registration info to create a new user. Once the user is created you can login. Once you login you get redirected to the home page where all the comments are.

Unsolved problems The delete post feature was down in the API. We were unable to implement that feature.