
A Mongoose schema plugin for filtering properties you usually do not want to sent client-side like passwords and IDs.

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A Mongoose schema plugin that hooks into toJSON() and toObject() to allow hiding of properties you do not want sent client-side, like passwords and other secrets and sensitive information.


npm i mongoose-hidden


A simple example that hides passwords:

let mongoose = require('mongoose')
let Schema = mongoose.Schema
let mongooseHidden = require('mongoose-hidden')()

let UserSchema = new Schema(
  name: String,
  password: { type: String, hide: true },
  email: String


let User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema)
let user = new User({
  name: 'Joe',
  email: 'joe@example.com',
  password: 'secret'

user.save(function() {
  console.log(user.toJSON()) // { name: 'Joe', email: 'joe@example.com' }

Property params: hide, hideJSON, hideObject

A property will be hidden in all cases when toJSON and toObject is invoked if the property parameter hide is used. Alternatively use hideJSON or hideObject to target either of the serialization functions.

let UserSchema = new Schema(
  password: { type: String, hideJSON: true }, // hidden for toJSON but not for toObject

The value of hide, hideJSON, and hideObject can be a callback with the following signature:

function (doc, ret) // same as the transform function callback

Option: hidden

If you find yourself hiding the same properties over and over again you can initialize the plugin with the hidden option.

There are two methods: when creating the plugin and when attaching the plugin, and they can be combined.

Method 1: constructor param

let mongooseHidden = require('mongoose-hidden')({ hidden: { _id: true, password: true } })

Method 2: attach plugin param

let mongooseHidden = require('mongoose-hidden')()
UserSchema.plugin(mongooseHidden, { hidden: { _id: true, password: true } })

Method 1+2: combination

let mongooseHidden = require('mongoose-hidden')({ hidden: { _id: true, password: true } })
UserSchema.plugin(mongooseHidden, { hidden: { resetToken: true } })
PaymentSchema.plugin(mongooseHidden, { hidden: { _id: false, authToken: true } }) // unhides _id

.. another example:

if (app === 'web') {
  UserSchema.plugin(mongooseHidden, { hidden: { _id: true, password: true } })
} else if (app == 'private-api') {
  UserSchema.plugin(mongooseHidden, { hidden: { password: true } })
} else {

Option: defaultHidden

By default _id and __v properties are hidden. You can override this behaviour, when you load the plugin:

let mongooseHidden = require('mongoose-hidden')({ defaultHidden: { password: true } })

This effectively overrides the plugin defaults leaving only password hidden and _id and __v are left untouched.

Alternatively if you only want to unhide the params hidden by the plugin by default you can pass the plugin option autoHideJSON and autoHideObject with a value of false.

Option: virtuals

Hiding of virtuals can be done as well. Be sure to include the plugin after you turn on virtuals.

// By default in Mongoose virtuals will not be included. Turn on before enabling plugin.
schema.set('toJSON', { virtuals: true });
schema.set('toObject', { virtuals: true });

// Enable plugin
schema.plugin(mongooseHidden, { virtuals: { fullname: 'hideJSON' }});

The value of the virtuals key can be: hide, hideJSON and hideObject.

For nested virtuals use the path for the key above, e.g. 'nested.virtual': 'hideJSON'.

Note: If you don't turn on virtuals for toObject, fullname in the above example fullname will NOT be hidden despite its hideJSON value.

Option: applyRecursively

Off by default, but when turned on the plugin will attach itself to any child schemas as well.


The mongoose-hidden is written as a transform function. If you implement your own transform functions be sure to add them prior to applying the plugin. The plugin will then invoke that function before hiding properties.

let mongooseHidden = require('mongoose-hidden')()

// First define transform function
UserSchema.set('toJSON', { transform: function (doc, ret, opt) {
  ret['name'] = 'Mr ' + ret['name']
  return ret

// Then apply plugin

All names will now be prefixed with "Mr".




  • Always set { getters: true, virtuals: true } before installing plugin if you want virtuals to be returned:
schema.set('toJSON', { getters: true, virtuals: true });