
This bundle(require Predis) adds support for request rate limiting management in Symfony.

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This bundle(require Predis) adds support for request rate limiting management in Symfony.

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Download StnRateLimitingBundle bundle using Composer

$ composer require stn/rate-limiting-bundle

Register StnRateLimitingBundle

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // Other bundles ...

            new Stn\RateLimitingBundle\StnRateLimitingBundle(),
// ...


# app/config/config.yml
    enable: true    # Whether rate limiting is available or not
    limit:  60      # Limit of request
    ttl:    60      # Cache expiry time, second as unit (Time to live)
    key_prefix: ~   # The cache key prefix, defaults to 'RL'
    key_length: ~   # The cache key length, defaults to 8
    client:         # Configuration for Predis
        dsn:  ~     # DSN for connection, defaults to 'tcp://'
        pass: ~     # Redis requirepass configuration, will invoke `auth` to setup connection if provided, defaults to null


Use annotation @RateLimiting to rate limit request, and you can setup rate limit by manual the following two parameters or use default configuration:

  • limit
  • ttl
// any controller
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Stn\RateLimitingBundle\Annotation\RateLimiting;

 * Mark with annotation `RateLimiting` to enable rate limiting.
 * @RateLimiting(limit=10, ttl=60)
class DefaultController extends Controller
     * Annotation in controller's action has a higher priority than controller itself.
     * @RateLimiting(limit=2, ttl=10)
    public function indexAction()
        // Do something...


  • Add forbidden response template
  • Make redis configuration more flexible
  • More tests
