Please note that this repo is a sample project which is used for demonstrating code structure of micro services in Golang. Though it builds successfully, it can not be used in production.

Building server and client

  • to build server: go build ./cmd/user_server
  • to build client: go build ./cmd/user_server-cli

Local Testing: REST

  1. Register User curl -d '{"email":""}' -X POST https://app.local/api/v1/user/signup

  2. Verify Confirmation Token curl -d '{"userId":585985938150129665,"confirmationToken":371323}' -X POST http://app.local/api/v1/user/verifyConfirmationToken

  3. Update Username curl -d '{"name":"Santosh pd sah"}' -X POST https://app.local/api/v1/user/updateUsername -H "Authorization:your-auth-token"

  4. Change Password curl -d '{"password":"Qwerty"}' -X POST http://app.local/api/v1/user/changePassword -H "Authorization:your-auth-token"

  5. Login curl -d '{"email":"","password":"Qwerty"}' -X POST https://app.local/api/v1/user/login

  6. Refresh Access Token curl -X POST https://app.local/api/v1/user/refreshAccessToken -H "Authorization:your-auth-token"

  7. Reset Password curl -d '{"email":""}' -X POST http://app.local/api/v1/user/resetPassword

  8. Verify Confirmation Token curl -d '{"userId":475865469067493377,"passwordResetToken":865688}' -X POST http://app.local/api/v1/user/verifyPasswordResetToken

  9. Logout: curl -X POST https://app.local/api/v1/user/logout -H "Authorization:your-auth-token"

Local Test: grpcurl


  1. Create new user

grpcurl -d '{"email":""}' -proto user_service.proto app.local:443 user_service.UserService/Signup

  1. Verify Confirmation Token

grpcurl -d '{"userId":596403424660324353,"confirmationToken":575537}' -proto user_service.proto app.local:443 user_service.UserService/VerifyConfirmationToken

  1. Update User Name

grpcurl -H "Authorization:your-auth-token" -d '{"name":"Santosh pd sah"}' -proto user_service.proto app.local:443 user_service.UserService/UpdateUsername

  1. Change/Set Password

grpcurl -H "Authorization:your-auth-token" -d '{"password":"Qwerty"}' -proto user_service.proto app.local:443 user_service.UserService/ChangePassword

  1. Login

grpcurl -d '{"email":"","password":"Qwerty"}' -proto user_service.proto app.local:443 user_service.UserService/Login

  1. Change user name after login: Repeat of step with Auth Token

grpcurl -H "Authorization:your-auth-token" -d '{"name":"Santosh prasad sah"}' -proto user_service.proto app.local:443 user_service.UserService/UpdateUsername