
Author: Santosh Yadaw | LinkedIn | Github

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Usage
  3. Exploratory Data Analysis
  4. Metrics - ROC AUC
  5. Model Performance
  6. Insights
  7. Future Work
  8. References


In this assessment, we aim to accurately predict whether any given claim is fraduelent. This task is based on Kaggle - Insurance Claims Fraud Data

The codebase is written in python 3.8.16. Three models were considered:

  1. Logistic Regression
  2. XGBoost
  3. CatBoost

Of the three models, 3. Catboost performed better in terms of both AUC score.


  1. To build the environment: pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Go into the data_preprocess folder: cd src/data_preprocess
  3. Preprocess the raw data: python -m data_preprocess
  4. Go into the train folder: cd src/train
  5. Train the model: python -m src.train
  6. Prediction output will be stored in results/trained_model_results.csv and roc curve is stored in the same folder
  7. Trained model will be stored in models/trained_model

Configuration files for src/train can be found in src/config. src supports Logistic Regression, XGBoost and CatBoost, to change model, simply update src/config.

Exploratory Data Analysis

There are three datasets given:

  1. Employee Data - this the master data of the employee ( a.k.a agents or adjusters ) working on the insurance claims
  2. Vendor Data - this is the master data of the vendor who assist insurance company in investigating the claims
  3. Claims Data - this is the claim level transaction details submitted by customer to the insurance company for re-imbursement

Exploratory Data Analysis notebook can be found in case_study.ipynb. Please refer to the notebook for the details.

The dataset used for building the model is from the claims data - insurance.csv) where we aim to classify the CLAIM_STATUS. There are only two classes - Class A and Class D. As per the distribution plot below, we can see its an highly imbalanced classification problem with alot more samples in the dataset belonging to Class A than Class D.

Metrics - ROC AUC

ROC AUC stands for Receiver Operating Characteristic - Area Under Curve. The ROC curve is a graph showing the performance of a classification model at all classification thresholds. The curve consist of two parameters - True Positive Rate, and False Positive Rate. While AUC represents the Area under the ROC Curve.

The difference between ROC AUC vs other metrics such as Accuracy or F1 is that ROC chooses the best model, before any threshold tuning. In a classification problems, it is possible to tune the threshold in order to predict more positive class, or more negative class. Hence, it is possible for a model to produce many different Accuracy or F1, depending on threshold tuning.

ROC AUC gets the performance of the model before any threshold tuning by looking at the trade off between True Positive Rate and False Positive Rate. A model with high ROC AUC means that the model performs well in all threshold tuning, and hence could be tuned to maximize any metrics, such as accuracy, F1/F0.5/F2.

Other Suggested Metrics - F0.5

In a situation of imbalance dataset - where only 6.7% positive class, it is useful to use a metric that takes into account both precision and recall, such as F-Score. A naive metric such as Accuracy will give a high score of 95.0% when a bad algorithm classify all instances with claim status A (not Fraud).

In addition, it will be in our favour to priotise minmizing False Negatives (FN) as we do not want the Fradulent transactions to go away undetected. As such, Precision has to be favoured over recall - F0.5 score.

Model Performance

Three models were experimented - Logistic Regression (baseline), XGBoost and CatBoost. To deal with the class imbalanced issue, we tried out several approaches such as Oversampling - SMOTE, Oversampling: ADYSN and Balancing the Class Weights. Finally, we also performed hyperparameter tuning.

  1. Logistic Regression: We used the logistic regression as our baseline model. It achieved a auc score of 0.54.
  2. XgBoost: The XgBoost model did not perform as well compared to the logistic regression model having an auc score of 0.47 at the baseline
  • Experimenting with oversampling method, SMOTE oversampling helped to improve the performance of the XgBoost model to an auc score 0.52. The oversampling methof of ADYSN did not work as well having a auc score of 0.48
  • Setting the class weights to be balaanced helped to improve the perforamnce of the XGBoost model by around 0.07 points as compared to the baseline XGBoost.
  1. Catboost: The CatBoost model performed better than the other two models at the baseline auc score of 0.55
  • Experimenting with oversampling methods like SMOTE and ADYSN, only the ADYSN technique helped to improve the performance of the model to 0.58
  • Hyperparameter tuning the parameters such as the learning_rate, random_strength, depth and l2_leaf_reg did help to improve the performance further to auc score of 0.57.
  • Combining using ADYSN oversampling method and Hyperparameter tuning, the CatBoost model achieved the highest auc score of 0.59. Hence , being the best model.

In summary, the best performance came from the CatBoost model with auc score of 0.58 after using Oversampling ADYSN and Hyperparameter tuning.


Based on feature importance of the best CatBoost model, the most important feature are RISK_SEGMENTATION, INCIDENT_CITY_6, and VENDOR_ID_6 and HOUSE_TYPE_1 while the least important features are the CUSTOMER_NAMES.

Future Work

  • Using other loss functions to penalize the majority class
  • Ensemble of models to improve overall score
  • Write test cases for function
  • Hosting model and creating an API to serve model predictions
