
A basic polling app using django

Primary LanguagePython


A basic polling app using django

The landing page shows the list of all the questions one can poll to get their opinion counted.

list of polls

Users can generate their own questions and assign four options

generate question choices

Users can select a question and vote for it


They can change their choices as well


After voting, a detailed result of the poll is shown along with a graphical presentation of the data using zingchart


If the user has already voted for a given poll, then they can't revote. One user, one question, one vote!


Users can also search for questions by keywords in the search bar



  1. Generate questions with four options
  2. Poll and view the result
  3. Graphical presentation of the poll provided using zingchart
  4. One person can vote only once for a given question
  5. Search for questions by keywords

Upcoming Features

  1. functionality to create as many options for a question as you want