Django-GIS API

This is a spatial REST API built using Django rest framework and PostgreSQL database with the PostGIS extension.

Instructions to set up

  1. Ensure you have Docker installed.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Unzip the file using unzip command. This gives a data/db/ file structure in the root directory of the repository.
  4. From the root directory of the repository, run the docker compose up command to build the images for the web server and postgres database. Wait for the containers to start.
  5. Run the docker ps command to list the running containers. There should be two: One for the web server, and the other for the database.
  6. Enter into a shell in the postgres container with docker exec -it <container_id> bash and run the following commands in sequence to install dependencies.
    • apt-get update
    • apt-get install postgis postgresql-14-postgis-3 software-properties-common -y
    • add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa -y
    • apt-get install gdal-bin -y
  7. Visit on your browser to view the API

API Endpoints

The REST API has three endpoints.

  1. /api/ This endpoint has two request methods.
    • GET : A GET request to this endpoint returns the first 10 countries stored in the database in a JSON format.
    • POST: The format of the post request is similar to that of a geojson data file:
    	"type": "Feature", 
      	"properties": { "ADMIN": "Bathinda", "ISO_A3": "BTI" }, 
      	"geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -69.996937628999916, 12.577582098000036 ], [ -69.936390753999945, 12.531724351000051 ], [ -69.924672003999945, 12.519232489000046 ], [ -69.915760870999918, 12.497015692000076 ], [ -69.880197719999842, 12.453558661000045 ], [ -69.876820441999939, 12.427394924000097 ], [ -69.888091600999928, 12.417669989000046 ], [ -69.908802863999938, 12.417792059000107 ], [ -69.930531378999888, 12.425970770000035 ], [ -69.945139126999919, 12.44037506700009 ], [ -69.924672003999945, 12.44037506700009 ], [ -69.924672003999945, 12.447211005000014 ], [ -69.958566860999923, 12.463202216000099 ], [ -70.027658657999922, 12.522935289000088 ], [ -70.048085089999887, 12.531154690000079 ], [ -70.058094855999883, 12.537176825000088 ], [ -70.062408006999874, 12.546820380000057 ], [ -70.060373501999948, 12.556952216000113 ], [ -70.051096157999893, 12.574042059000064 ], [ -70.048736131999931, 12.583726304000024 ], [ -70.052642381999931, 12.600002346000053 ], [ -70.059641079999921, 12.614243882000054 ], [ -70.061105923999975, 12.625392971000068 ], [ -70.048736131999931, 12.632147528000104 ], [ -70.00715084499987, 12.5855166690001 ], [ -69.996937628999916, 12.577582098000036 ] ] ] } 
    After sending a post request with the above JSON data, a country with the Name=Bathinda, iso_a3=BTI with a polygon geometry is created.
  2. countries/<str:name>/ This endpoint has two request methods.
    • GET : A get request to for example /countries/Ind returns a JSON array of all countries whose name contains the string "Ind".
    • DELETE:
      • A delete request to /countries/Ind returns an error message indicating that a country with the name "Ind" does not exist.
      • A delete request to /countries/India deletes the country named "India" from the database if found.
  3. query/intersect-india/ This endpoint executes a spatial query in the backend and a GET request to this endpoint returns the JSON array of all countries that intersect India.