
sutapaucd opened this issue · 6 comments

In CCGnet-OB directory, I was trying to execute However, I got the following error:
File "", line 99, in make_graph_dataset
self.data_attr_names = D[0].keys()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

Also, I am using ccgnet-main/data/Test/ and ccgnet-main/data/Test/coformers as pwd of input files.
If you could please suggest probable solution.

Hi sutapaucd,
I am a new user of CCGNet and I met the same problem with you.

Using the example table and files as input to in CCGnet-OB showed "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'". I tried to trace source code and input file. Input data can be opened at initial code of "class Dataset(object)". I do not know why the data structure seems empty at "make_graph_dataset".

Do you have any ideas about what's going on?

I am sorry for the late replay. We recommand to use the codes in origin ccgnet instead of ccgnet-OB, because the ccgnet-OB can not reproduce the results in the artical. You can try using the in origin ccgnet to the ccgnet-OB. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Hi, so which version of ccdc python api is compatiable with ccgnet.