NynTax Car Rental Task Flutter


This is a Car Rental Service Application. Users can choose their car for rent according to their own interest. And they have to pay for their chosen car and timeline.

Necessary Installation

http: ^1.2.1
intl: ^0.19.0
provider: ^6.1.2
sdk: '>=3.3.2 <4.0.0'

Sample of the application:

Bonus Question

Problem Statement

This car rental system charges customers at different rates depending on the duration of the rental. The rates are as follows:

Hourly: $10 per hour
Daily: $50 per day
A problem arises when a customer rents a car for a period that could be billed at either rate. For example, if a customer rents a car for six hours, they would be charged $60 at the hourly rate, which is more than the daily rate of $50.


There we can add two different ideas: Calculate the bill according to the Hourly Rate and Daily Rate. We can build a sytem which will count the both scenario. Then in which solution provides the more advantages for the client we can count that amount.