
Checks connecting users for configurable criteria of the Steam WebAPI and kicks if not fulfilled

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Checks connecting users for configurable criteria of the Steam WebAPI and kicks if not fulfilled.

If you upgrade from the previous versions (< 5), please back-up your old config and delete it; like-wise the language file in oxide/lang/en etc.


  • steamchecks.use -- Allows to issue test commands
  • steamchecks.skip -- Users with this permission, won't be checked on connect

Console Commands

  • steamcheck <steamid64> -- Checks the given steamid64 (does not matter if connected), for all configured criteria and returns wether he would have been kicked
  • steamcheck.runtests <steamid64> -- Calls all WebAPI functions with the given steamid64 and returns detailed output. Use this output when creating an issue


  "AdditionalKickMessage": "",
  "ApiKey": "",
  "CacheDeniedPlayers": false,
  "CachePassedPlayers": true,
  "Kicking": {
    "CommunityBan": true,
    "TradeBan": true,
    "PrivateProfile": true,
    "LimitedAccount": true,
    "NoProfile": true,
    "FamilyShare": false,
    "ForceHoursPlayedKick": false
  "LogInsteadofKick": false,
  "Thresholds": {
    "MaxVACBans": 1,
    "MinDaysSinceLastBan": -1,
    "MaxGameBans": 1,
    "MinSteamLevel": 2,
    "MaxAccountCreationTime": -1,
    "MinGameCount": 3,
    "MinRustHoursPlayed": -1,
    "MaxRustHoursPlayed": -1,
    "MinOtherGamesPlayed": 2,
    "MinAllGamesHoursPlayed": -1
Options explained
  • ApiKey -- The Steam Web API Key, required. Generate one here: https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey
  • AdditionalKickMessage -- This will be appended to all kick-messages. E.g. you could write in a way to get whitelisted
  • CachePassedPlayers -- Don't check players again, which passed the checks
    • Cache resets on plugin-reload / server restart
  • CacheDeniedPlayers -- Don't check players again, which failed checks and kick directly
    • Cache resets on plugin-reload / server restart
    • Default is false, as players can't join if their have their profile on private - and then try to re-join with the same profile set to public
  • CommunityBan (true or false) -- Kick when the player is community-banned
  • TradeBan (true or false) -- Kick when the player is trade-banned
  • PrivateProfile (true or false) -- Kick when the player has a private profile. Most checks depend on it
  • LimitedAccount (true or false) -- Kick when the player has a limited account
  • NoProfile (true or false) -- Kick when the player has his steam community profile not yet set up
  • ForceHoursPlayedKick (true or false) -- Kick the player, if hours played checks are on (e.g. MinRustHoursPlayed) - and he has his games hidden
    • Note: A lot of users have their Steam profiles on public BUT theirs hours-played hidden (new Steam default setting)
    • With this option being false, it will only do the hour-checks if he has the hours-played-information on public (recommended)
  • LogInsteadofKick (true or false) -- If true, will just log whether the player would pass the steamchecks, instead of actually kicking him on failure
  • MaxVACBans -- If 0, will kick if the user has any VAC Ban. If 1, will kick if the user has at least 2 VAC Bans, etc.. Use -1 to disable check.
  • MinDaysSinceLastBan -- Minimum Number of days since the last ban. Use -1 to disable check.
    • This option only makes sense, when MaxVACBans is greater than 0 or disabled with -1.
  • MaxGameBans -- If 0, will kick if the user has any Game Ban. If 1, will kick if the user has at least 2 Game Bans, etc.. Use -1 to disable check.
Those options require a public steam profile:
  • MinSteamLevel -- The minimum Steam level the user must have
    • A steam level of 1 or higher also excludes all limited accounts
  • MaxAccountCreationTime In Unix time -- Accounts created after this time point will be kicked
  • MinGameCount -- Minimum amount of games the user must have
    • If the user has hidden their hours played, it will use information from the Steam badges
Those options require, that the user has their games/gametimes visible. If ForceHoursPlayedKick is false, it will only kick them, if their games are visible and the constraints below are not matched.
  • MinRustHoursPlayed in hours -- Minimum hours of Rust played
  • MaxRustHoursPlayed in hours -- Maximum hours of Rust played (could be useful for newbie servers)
  • MinOtherGamesPlayed in hours -- Minimum hours of Steam games the user must have played (except rust)
    • Will only check, if the user has at least 2 steam games
  • MinAllGamesHoursPlayed in hours -- Minimum hours of games the user must have played (including rust)

All checks do NOT include free-2-play games. You can disable checks with -1.


Simply give your players/groups you want to whitelist the permission steamchecks.skip

You can also use a group for that:
oxide.group add whitelist -- Add whitelist group
oxide.grant group whitelist steamchecks.skip -- Add permission to whitelist group
oxide.usergroup add <steamid64> whitelist -- Add player to whitelist group


The plugin does the checks in this order:

  1. Bans
  2. Is game lended (family share)
  3. Player Summaries (is profile private, account creation time)
    • Limited Profile and Steam-Commmunty profile

Only when profile public:

  1. Player Level
  2. Game Hours and Count
  3. Game badges, to get amount of games
    • Only done if the user has his game hours hidden

The checks are completly asynchronous.


If you encounter a bug, please create an GitHub issue.
Please include the output of steamcheck <steamid64> and steamcheck.runtests <steamid64>, using the steamid on which the checks don't pass correctly. If you have an error, also include the offending steamids. Also your configuration file would be helpful.


Clone the GitHub-repository. Copy the Oxide DLLs into the dep folder, and open the project with VSCode.