
A gitlab update bot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License


  • A simple bot for gitlab updates

About The Project

  • Gitlabot is a bot which notify users when a new update for gitlab is available.

Gitlab bot commands

command description
/start Display welcome message
/help Display a list of available commands
/notify <type|mode> <param> [args]
- auto
- off
- daily
- weekly
- monthly

- weekdays
- monthday
- daytime
Set the notification rules
/last [nbr] Display the latest [nbr] blog info (default is 1), regardless of the type
/release [nbr] Display the latest [nbr] release info (default is 1)
/settings Display the current settings values

Getting started


  1. Create new bot with BotFather on telegram and copy the bot token

  2. Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:SaphireVert/gitlabot.git && cd gitlabot
  1. Install npm packages
npm install
  1. Rename sample_secrets.json in secrets.json and replace the bot token value by your own bot token.

  2. Start the bot

make up