
build test


  1. Install Docker Desktop.
  2. For security, change the database password in docker-compose.yml, and then update the connection string in appsettings.json with the new password. You may also wish to change the default password hashing salt in appsettings.json.
  3. Build and start the app using docker-compose up --build --force-recreate dragaliaapi
  4. Hopefully, Docker should work its magic; there should be no other dependencies and it should just work .

Once the server is running, you should be able to make requests to localhost:5000 (HTTP) or localhost:5001 (HTTPS) -- these ports can be changed in docker-compose.yml.


Contributions are more than welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and open a pull request with these changes. Please also include integration-style tests for any new controllers, and unit tests for any new services. See the DragaliaAPI.Test project for examples (these are by no means a gold standard, however).

Code formatting is enforced by CSharpier with a pre-commit hook and a pipeline step. You may find it beneficial to run this on saving a file -- this can be done using an extension in your IDE. For Visual Studio, install this extension and enable 'Reformat with CSharpier on Save' in Options > CSharpier > General.

For development purposes, you may find this tool useful for sending requests to endpoints that expect msgpack-formatted bodies (as Postman does not yet support this).

See also the API documentation for reference on what existing endpoints do and how to implement new ones.