
This repo is for implementation of Dijkstra path planning algorithm, for a point robot. The algorithm was tested on a custom map created using OpenCV.

Primary LanguagePython

Project 2: Dijkstra algorithm for a point robot

Implementing Dijkstra planning algorithm for a point robot, to find optimal path between the starting position and goal posiiton.


Libraries used in this project, can be installed via package manager PIP on your system. Following libraries were used:

  • NumPy
  • OpenCV
  • Math
  • Time
  • Argparse
  • Imageio
  • Queue


  • Open the code on your IDE and write the following command on the terminal:

  • python test.py -src "starting position" -goal "goal position"

  • The algorithm will start and when it will be done, output would be saved as images and gif files on yours system.

Test Case

  1. start position: (5,5); goal position: (55,65); time: 9.66 sec
  2. start position: (5,5); goal position: (175,128); time: 49.28 sec

Output files

  • backtracked.png
  • Map.png
  • explorednodes.png
  • closedlist.gif
  • path.gif