
A Square Matrix Solver that uses and provides Fractions

Primary LanguageJava


A Light-Weight General Use Case Matrix Solver and Calculator that uses Fractions


There are two main uses of this program are as a solver and a calculator. The main program file is MatrixProgram.java.

Matrix Solver

Matrix Solver General

The matrix solver is a light-weight solver program that can solve and show work for an augmented square matrix with the following methods:

  • Gaussian Elimination with Back Substitution
  • Gauss-Jordan Elimination
  • Matrix Equations(Ax=B)
  • Cramer's Rule

Matrix Solver Usage

  • Determine the size of matrix without the size of the augmented matrix row.
  • Enter all Fractions one by one as prompted either as a whole integer(2, -4, 42, etc.) or a fraction(1/2, -31/3, -3/7, etc.). Make sure that augmented matrix is on opposite side as other variables. In other words, get all equations into x+y+z+...=3 form.
  • Select your choice of solving the matrix(see supported methods in above section).
  • Results will be display in Fraction form!

Matrix Calculator

Matrix Calculator General

The matrix calculator is a matrix operation environment with a 10-matrix storage space. These matrices can be operated on and stored as a result. Matrix properties such as determinants can also be determined. Operations supported include:

  • Creating/Updating a Matrix
  • Determinant of a Matrix
  • Multiplicative Inverses
  • Matrix Addition and Multiplication
  • Scalar Multiplication

Matrix Calculator Usage

  • When first opened, program will prompt you to enter first matrix to operate on in the environment.
  • Enter all Fractions one by one as prompted either as a whole integer(2, -4, 42, etc.) or a fraction(1/2, -31/3, -3/7, etc.).
  • This will be stored in the environment matrix space provided.
  • You can next choose if you would like to create/update a matrix, compute a determinant, or perform some basic matrix math.
  • You can also quit whenever prompted in this main menu. Note that all operations and computations will show their work step by step in Fraction form!

Matrix Math

Matrix Math only allows you to perform one operation at a time, however, it's power lies in the fact that this result can be stored in matrix space. Successive matrix math operations can be used to do more complex operations. A basic matrix operation parser may be a upcoming feature for future releases.