
Ouroboros is a C++ library to work with N dimentional tensors

Primary LanguageC++Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Ouroboros is a C++ library to work with N dimentional tensors


Well the main reason that this library exists is for personal use in my other projects. The only reason that it is public is because some people may find it useful


  • Make it easy to use
  • Give the bare minimum features so that it can be easily extended(with minimal code) to meet that users need

Example usage

#include <ouroboros/ouroboros.hpp>

int main(){
    Ouroboros::Tensor t1=Ouroboros::CreateTensor::linspace({3,3},1.0,9.0);
    Ouroboros::Tensor t2=Ouroboros::CreateTensor::linspace({3,3},9.0,1.0);

    auto func=[](double x,double y)->double{
        return x*y;
    Ouroboros::Tensor t3=Ouroboros::outer<func>(t1,t2);//Outer product of 2 tensors

    auto sin=[](double x)->double{
        return std::sin(x);
    t3=Ouroboros::transform<sin>(t3);//Apply sin to all elements of t3
    std::cout<<"t1+t2:\n"<<t1+t2<<"\n";//Element wise addition

    //There's a lot more you can do with tensors, check the documentation for more information

More examples can be found HERE


You can find the documentation and installation guide HERE

Future TODOs

  • Support block wise reduction
  • Support GPU
  • Improve threading(Current implimentation is not up to the mark)
  • Improve template
  • Create a logo
  • Reduce the amount of heap allocation
  • Improve it based on the feedback I recieve

Have questions?

Cool, you can contact me via mail. Email: saptakbhoumik@gmail.com

Want to contribute?

Great, go ahead and make the changes you want, then submit a new pull request


The Ouroboros library is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, which is attached in this repository