
  • Minikube is a 1 node K8s cluster. It contains both master and worker nodes.
  • It is used for testing purposes.


  • It is a command line tool for k8s cluster.
  • It interacts with the cluster by executing different commands on pods like creating, destroying pods or creating services.

Installation guide

CLI commands

  • create minikube cluster

    • minikube start
    • kubectl get nodes
    • minikube status
    • kubectl version
  • delete cluster and restart in debug mode

    • minikube delete
    • minikube start --driver=docker --v=7 --alsologtostderr
    • minikube status
  • kubectl commands

    • kubectl get nodes
    • kubectl get pod
    • kubectl get services
    • kubectl create deployment nginx-depl --image=nginx
    • kubectl get deployment
    • kubectl get replicaset
    • kubectl edit deployment nginx-depl
  • debugging

    • kubectl logs {pod-name}
    • kubectl exec -it {pod-name} bash
  • create mongo deployment

    • kubectl create deployment mongo-depl --image=mongo
    • kubectl logs mongo-depl-{pod-name}
    • kubectl describe pod mongo-depl-{pod-name}
  • delete deplyoment

    • kubectl delete deployment mongo-depl
    • kubectl delete deployment nginx-depl
  • create or edit config file

    • vim nginx-deployment.yaml
    • kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml
    • kubectl get pod
    • kubectl get deployment
  • delete with config

    • kubectl delete -f nginx-deployment.yaml
    • kubectl top: The kubectl top command returns current CPU and memory usage for a cluster’s pods or nodes, or for a particular pod or node if specified.