
Tried to clone the Reddit webapp. Not so perfect but completely made from scratch without any youtube help

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Table of Contents

  1. Problem Statement
  2. Solution
  3. Directory Flow
  4. Working
  5. Tech Stack Used
  6. Future Initiatives
  7. External Lins

Problem Statement

Sometimes people require to anonymously post their feeling/emotions. People want to vent out their feelings without letting people know about them.


Anonymous is the best solution for this, it does not require any gmail, phone number to create id's, so it is completely anonymous and users can create a post same as Reddit and post them globally.

Directory Flow

|--- backend
|    |--- middleware 
|    |     |--- fetchuser.js
|    |--- models
|    |     |--- Posts.js
|    |     |--- Users.js
|    |--- routes
|    |     |--- auth.js
|    |     |--- posts.js
|    |--- index.js
|    |--- db.js

|--- Frontend
|    |--- public
|    |    |--- index.html
|    |--- src
|    |    |--- App.js
|    |    |--- components
|    |    |     |--- Static
|    |    |     |     |--- All static css and js files
|    |    |     |--- Accounts.js
|    |    |     |--- Allposts.js
|    |    |     |--- Createpost.js
|    |    |     |--- Home.js
|    |    |     |--- Individual.js
|    |    |     |--- Login.js
|    |    |     |--- Navbar.js
|    |    |     |--- Signup.js
|    |    |     |--- User.js


Tech Stack Used

--> Node JS Libraries

npm install bcryptjs
npm install body-parser
npm install cors
npm install dotenv
npm install express
npm install express-validator
npm install jsonwebtoken
npm install mongoose

--> React JS Libraries

npm install 

Future Initiatives

External Links